Friday, November 19, 2010

That's why i love 8 so much

#Infinity :The Greek symbol for infinity looks like the number eight laid on its side.

Believe that the number eight is sacred, lucky and very powerful.
- 8 triangles represent the I-Ching or the "Book of Changes", (an ancient Chinese divination guide).
- The two numbers 8-8 together, resemble the Chinese pictograph for "Double Happiness."
- In Mandarin, the sound for "eight" is similar to that for "prosperity or wealth"; while in Cantonese, it is similar to the sound meaning "fortune".

#Christianity: Eight represents rebirth or resurrection.

#Occult: 8 is linked to magic and represents equilibrium or the balance of various forces. It represents perfection, duality, and the unity between male and female.This is a very powerful and cosmic symbol to use in your home.

#Pythagorean: Eight is solidarity and stability.

#maybe i love eight cause i was born on 8. But i see that 8 is perfect number and bring some of luck :D

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